Program Description
Event Details
"Climate Change as of 2024: Simple, Serious, Solvable" will take a verifiable fact-based look at the scientific state of the issues and impacts involved in climate change, localized in many ways to Michigan. We will explore a range of ideas to address the significant challenges we face, including what each of us can do.
This presentation will be led by meteorologist Chris Edwards. Chris was one of the first meteorologists with the Weather Channel in Atlanta and began reporting on global warming in 1987. He has been honored with three Emmy awards for environmental reporting and weathercasting, and recognized by the Michigan Chapter of the National Association of Television Arts and Sciences for Best Weathercast in 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004. As a retired TV meteorologist, he now enjoys part-time work teaching communications at the University of Michigan, where he collaborated with Professor Richard Rood to produce a video on climate change. Edwards also serves as the Climate Change Specialist for the city of Detroit, and regularly gives climate change presentations to a variety of organizations.